Experience Does Make a Difference Before Hiring a Home Inspector
1. Many home inspectors take a simple online test or take a week long class at a so called college and then go into the home inspection business. There IS NO replacement for actual hands on training in the field and over 15 years of actual experience.
Experience does make the difference If the inspector indicates he or she took any online test, online course or some so called week long college course, you might as well hang up and move on to the next inspector on your list. For over 15 years, I have personally inspected Hundreds of houses. I have personally purchased and sold dozens of these houses.
- I have done many things to a home, that most home inspectors only read about in a text book or online course.
- I have worked hand in hand with every single tradesmen in the building and construction industry.
- It is one thing to learn about being a home inspector in a classroom and another to actually learn about it while doing it.
From waterproofing a basement or re-roofing a house you need hands on experience. A week long course or a textbook may describe the methods on how to do the work, but until you actually do it, in the field, that’s when you gain the most knowledge and experience.
I have over 15 years of actual on the job training in residential construction.
I have taken and passed the National Home Inspector Exam (NHIE).
I take over 44 hours of continuing education classes each year, double the amount required.
I am a associate member of (ASHI) American Society of Home Inspectors #253394.
I passed ASHI’s National Home Inspectors Exam
I adhere to ASHI’s Code of Ethics
I am a member of (InterNACHI) International Association of Home Inspectors #14012312.
I passed InterNACHI’s National Home Inspectors Exam
I adhere to InterNACHI’s Code of Ethics
I am licensed to inspect for Wood Destroying Organisms in the State of Ohio
I am licensed to do Radon Testing in the State of Ohio.
2. Don’t hire Part time inspectors who have a day job or hire hourly employees
Can the inspector perform all aspects of the home inspection? Do they use any third parties to perform their “Pest Inspection” or “Termite Inspection”, also known as “WDO” Wood-Destroying Insect or Radon Inspections?
General Home Inspection handles all of the inspections, which you will need.
Does your inspector do Home Inspections PART TIME? This is the biggest red flag ever. Does your inspector have a day job or do they contract out so called employees at an hourly wage, who don’t have little or no experience? You’re paying good money and expect the best service possible. Don’t get a PART-TIME home inspector.
General Home Inspection is a full time Inspection company. We do not have any hourly employees. We do not have any other JOBS. You are paying for the best, accept no excuses.
3. Does your Home Inspector have Professional Liability Insurance (Also known as Errors & Omissions insurance)?
Although the State of Ohio does not have laws regarding home inspectors to carry any insurance, the good inspectors have a moral obligation to be insured. Still many do not. If the inspector does not have this insurance to protect you, Hang up and move on.
General Home Inspection, LLC. carries Professional Liability Insurance.
4. Will you get a Quality Home Inspection Report within 24 hours after your inspection?
A Home inspection report, should never be handwritten. General Home Inspection uses state of the art, modern technology, to deliver to you a professional full color report with digital photographs and a summary of any safety or repair issues discovered during the inspection.
You will have your home inspection report emailed to you within hours after your inspection.
Click here for a sample of our full color professional general home inspection report.
5. Will they provide Referrals and Testimonials from their clients?
We will gladly provide you with testimonials and referrals, so you can see what other home buyers are saying about General Home Inspection.
We get most our business from word of mouth and our many happy customers.
General Home Inspection clients gladly provide their feedback on our Inspections
and we are glad to share it with you! Visit our testimonials to see how our customers
feel about our services.
My Qualifications:
• Completed and Passed the National Home Inspector Examination (NHIE)
• The American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) #253394
• The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) #14012312
• State of Ohio Radon Tester License #RT880
• State of Ohio Wood Destroying Insect Inspector License #127852
I accept Cash, Check, PayPal or Visa® and MasterCard®.
I am available Saturday, Sunday and evenings
I generate easy-to-read full color detailed easy to read inspection reports.