Specialized Tools
Moisture Meter
Moisture meters are used to detect moisture in a specific area of your house. Water intrusion is a common issue that leads to many different defects, such as leaks from the roof or plumbing system resulting in serious damage. The tools help your home inspector catch more water-related issues and allow them to get a better understanding of its source.
Voltage Sniffer
This handy little tool is helpful for the safety of your home inspector to detect if any wire or components have an electrical current running through them. These sniffers keep your inspector safe during the inspection, and they let you know about any hazardous issues in the home they come across to remedy them quickly.
Electrical Circuit Tester
Testing electrical outlets is a regular part of the home inspection, and using these testers is effective for your home inspector to find any issues with the electrical system. Common issues found are lack of grounding often found in older electrical systems and can lead to shock hazards or fires. Many testers come with GFCI testing, which will test outlets in the living room, kitchen, bathroom, and outside to ensure they are correctly shutting off.
Gas Leak / Carbon Monoxide Detectors
These detectors are professional-grade, highly sensitive tools tuned to pick up the home’s faintest amounts of dangerous gasses. Both gasses can be difficult to detect, especially in small quantities, but their presence can be detrimental to the health and safety of your family and home. The home inspector will use these detectors to ensure no traces of these gasses and will alert you if they come across any.
Infrared Camera
For your home inspector, using an infrared camera is the closest thing to having x-ray vision. IR cameras allow the inspector to see the temperatures of everything in the frame, which helps determine any voids or gaps in the insulation and helps to find moisture in the walls. A savvy inspector’s hand, an infrared camera can help them catch any subtle defects.
Infrared Thermometer
Infrared thermometers are used to verify the temperatures of various components throughout the home inspection, like plumbing, HVAC, and electrical panels, to catch any defects associated. These tools are helpful for your inspector as they allow them to access the temperatures of things that may be difficult to access otherwise.
Protective Equipment
High Traction Boots
If safely accessible, your home inspector will want to walk the entirety of the roof to fully evaluate its condition. To ensure his or her safety, the inspector will often wear high traction boots, the grip on the exterior better than regular shoes so they can traverse the roof with greater security.
Some areas of the home, like the attic or crawlspace, may have a high concentration of airborne particles that may be hazardous. They come in the form of viral, bacterial, or fungal organisms. For inspectors who are in these conditions for an extended period on a day-to-day basis, it is strongly recommended to wear a respirator in these areas before the home inspector inspects it for their clients.
There are even more gear and tools that your inspector may bring. Each home inspector is different, and the tools they choose to bring on the inspection may differ. Every inspector brings the tools they need to each home inspection needed to provide their clients with the complete picture of their prospective home. For more specialized or niche tools, some inspectors may own them, but keep them in their vehicle until needed. If you attend your home inspection and you’re curious about the tools they are using, feel free to ask them about it. You will likely learn more about their methods, and in turn, more about the home.