Seller Tips to Avoid Home Inspection Nightmares

For many homeowners, selling their home can be quite a stressful experience. As a real estate agent, it is your job to keep sellers focused and calm about the process. However when it comes to home inspections, most homeowners are not used to having strangers open all their cupboards, test all the appliances, poke around on the roof and the attic and around the outside and inside of their home. And that stress can turn into a big nightmare for the seller. While most sellers look at home inspectors just as the bearers of bad news, a home inspection can give sellers the opportunity to make those needed repairs that will put their home in a better condition for selling it.

Since maintaining your cool as an agent is a must, here are some tips for helping your clients navigate the home inspection process with ease.

First, when the home inspector comes and begins pointing out some flaws, many homeowners often take the comments personally. It is important to make sure that not only is your client’s home ready for inspection, but that your clients are as well. Before the inspection, it can be helpful to do a walk through of the home yourself with your clients and point out potential problems that may arise. When you see something, this is a way for you to approach the issue by being non non-confrontational, so it won’t be a shock when the home inspector arrives and points them out as well.

In addition, before the inspector arrives, talk with your clients about whether they plan to be in the house during the inspection. Keep in mind a home inspector may not allow that too, depending on each inspector’s policy. If the buyers will be and can attend the inspection, the best thing for both parties is to keep the sellers away and occupied during it. As the home inspector reviews the house, you can calmly approach your clients about why they installed an appliance the way they did or the age of the roof and siding. This can help alleviate any tense or awkward moments by keeping your client’s attention focused on your conversation, rather than the inspector recording all the things that are wrong with their home. Always try your best to keep the peace within the home.

When the time comes for the actual inspection process, take a minute to remind your clients that the home inspector is simply doing his or her job. Emphasizing this fact can help keep sellers grounded, even when the inspector comments on the improper installation of their favorite appliance. As much as possible, focus their attention on the bigger picture and their end goal: getting the best return on their investment and finding a new home. Even if you prepare in every way possible, the best plans can go awry. The best thing you can do for yourself and your clients is try to keep everyone calm and focused.

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